Our Story

How it all started...

Church of The Way launched January 1, 2023 as a brand new church focused on helping people live the way of Jesus. While CTW officially started in 2023, the foundation of this church was laid over 50 years prior as Grosse Ile Baptist Church. God's hand of blessing came early and often as the church grew and expanded its current building in the late 1970's.

Through decades of faithful ministry , Grosse Ile Baptist found wisdom in the Lord's leading to change their name to RiverPoint Christian Church in the early 2000's. As ministry continued to move forward, greater and greater challenges began to arise. It was then, in 2013, that RiverPoint Christian Church took a step of faith and contacted NorthRidge Church which began a beautiful relationship. In the fall of 2014, RiverPoint Christian Church became an official Regional Campus of NorthRidge Church.

Over the next 8 years, NorthRidge Grosse Ile loved, served, and reached the Downriver community through impactful outreach and dynamic ministry. However, in 2022 something began to stir in Pastor Colston's heart (the campus pastor of NorthRidge Grosse Ile) as well in Pastor Brad's heart about the launch of an independent local church focused on reaching Downriver. 

Church of The Way is born

After months of prayer, dependence upon God's leading, and the wise counsel of the elders of NorthRidge Church, it was decided that NorthRidge Grosse Ile would be released to the leadership of Pastor Colston and a new, independent church would form. The kindness and generosity of NorthRidge Church allowed Church of The Way to launch in January 2023 with a building, resources and zero debt. 

Where we are headed...

Church of The Way is dedicated to helping people live the way of Jesus. We are fully convinced that the life Jesus offers is one filled with meaning, purpose and hope. It is a life that transcends the current moment and one that lasts for eternity. We have a desire to see lives changed through the power of Jesus. As a person's life is changed, child or adult, we believe that the dynamics of that family will be forever changed. As families are restored, healed and live the way of Jesus, the community in which those families live will never be the same.  We impact the world as God changes one life, one family, and one community at a time. The Way of Jesus is the life that you and I  were created for.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.