
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why We Give

At CTW, we are convinced that God is extravagantly generous. He has given us His grace, His forgiveness, and, ultimately, His son. In all things, God is generous because it is part of His nature. When we study the way of Jesus, we find He, too, was generous with His love, His time, and His resources. We believe that to live the Way of Jesus, we must live open-handedly with every aspect of our lives, including our money. We recognize that anything kept in the open hand is at God's disposal, so we hold nothing with a clenched fist. This allows God to use anything and everything we have.
Each year, we take a special offering called a Christmas Offering to help support three specific areas of ministry. Through the Christmas offering in 2024, we provided families with food, housing, and emergency support for bills. We also hosted our first City Serve with over 200 volunteers going out into the community to share the love of Jesus. In addition to that, we were able to update certain parts of the building and adjust the HVAC and other building needs. As we pray about 2025, we are excited to see how God is going to continue to use CTW to serve families, the community, and the people who call this place home.  Below are the three areas the Christmas Offering will be supporting. You will also find the opportunity to give below with the option to select the Christmas offering.

Pastoral Care

The Church is a family, and anytime someone within the family is in need, the church should be the first place they come to. Through the generosity of the Christmas offering, we are able to support anyone within the family who needs help with the basic necessities of life. As the church family grows, so do the needs, so a third of this year's Christmas offering will go to support those in need.

Community Engagement

City Serve is already on the calendar for 2025, and we are super excited to partner with new people, families, and organizations to make an impact in Downriver. From schools to other non-profits to foster families, CTW was all over the area, serving and making Jesus known. A third of the Christmas offering for 2025 will go to support the varying projects throughout the Downriver Community for City Serve.

Building and Equipment Updates

God has blessed CTW with an amazing building, and it has served us well. However, with the continued growth and expansion of ministries throughout the week, there are items that need replacing and updating and pieces of equipment that need to be retired. A third of the Christmas offering for 2025 will go to support these building and equipment needs.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Online giving is the easiest and most efficient way to be generous. All online giving is safe, secure and simple. You can create an account which will allow you to automate your giving. Automated giving allows the church to more accurately predict the resources it will have to plan for future ministry. Giving through both the website and the church app are the same. 

Give In Person

Each Sunday we create an intentional time within our services to worship through giving. We believe that living open-handedly and being intentional with our money is truly an act of worship. In the lobby, you will find envelopes and a giving box for your convenience. 

Mail A Check

Any contributions mailed to the church will be collected at the post office and placed directly in the locked giving box in the church lobby until the following week. The mailing address is 24200 Meridian Rd. Grosse Ile, MI 48138.  Feel free to use the offering envelopes in the lobby or your own.

Have questions or need help?

If you have any issues giving online or have questions about online giving, please fill out the form below.