Thanksgiving Blessing Baskets

This Thanksgiving, we have a unique opportunity to bless multiple families throughout the Downriver Community. We have built relationships with the local schools, some foster families, and others who would be blessed with a nice Thanksgiving meal. It is through our Thanksgiving Blessing Baskets that we are able to express the love of Jesus in a tangible way, build connections and relationships with people in our community, and bless families with a nice meal. This act of tangible love goes a long way to extend the light and love of Jesus into the Downriver Community.
Collection of Good: October 27- Sunday, November 17
Packing and Delivery: Saturday, November 23

Ways To Be Involved

Donate Canned Goods
We need everyone to donate canned goods and other non-perishable items that would make a fantastic Thanksgiving meal. We have a suggested list of items below. The collection dates for the canned goods are anytime by Sunday, November 17. You can drop them off at the church at any time on the front porch.
Help Organize
We need help organizing all the donations that come in so that packing the baskets will go smoothly. We could use your help on
Friday, November 22 at 6 pm.
Support and Encouragement
The support team will help us provide a handwritten card to every family that is receiving a basket. Once the cards are written,  we will then assign you to oversee a table to help packing on Saturday go smoothly.
This role is Saturday, November 23, from 9 am to 11:30 am or until all the baskets are packed.
Packing and Basket Delivery
We will have families from all over the Downriver Community that we will be providing these Thanksgiving Blessings too. We need people to pack those baskets based on the number of family members and then deliver them to those families on Saturday, November 23. The arrival window to pack and deliver is 10 am to 11:30 am.

Suggested Items to Purchase

Canned Cranberry Sauce
Canned Green Beans
Canned Peas
Canned Yams
Canned Corn
Canned Carrots
Canned Fruit
Boxed Stuffing Mix
Jar of gravy
Box of gravy mix
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Boxed Macaroni and Cheese
Vegetable Oil
Brownie Mix
Box  Cookie Mix
Corn Muffin Mix